License update is in form of single *.V2C file (can be packed as *.ZIP archive) and has name that corresponds to the SENTINEL-Key (for checking Sentinel number, click on Sentinel keys and see number in “Key Id” column). This file must be placed (unpacked) on the server where SENTINEL-Key with same serial number is connected.
Open web browser. In URL address bar type http://localhost:1947
SENTINEL Admin Control center will appear.
On the left menu bar find “Update/Attach”
Click on “Select File” and find appropriate *.V2C license file. When *.V2C file is selected click “OPEN”
and then click “Apply File”
Note: Sentinel license updates MUST be performed in sequential order as they are issued ! If you are issued a new update, but you skipped to install previous one, you will get an error message.