Depending on the WIBU driver installed on your system, there is a several methods for creating RTC (WBC) files:

1. Creating WBC file from desktop (for WIBU driver 6.30b)
- Click on desktop with the right mouse button
- From menu select New > WIBU Control File
- Select WibuBox Remote Programming Context file and click Create button
- File MyWibuBox.wbc is created on desktop
* Created file will contain information from all WIBU keys plugged into this server

2. Creating WBC file using WibuKey application (for WIBU driver 6.30b)
- In Control Panel launch the WibuKey applet. Make sure that your WIBU is visible in the WibuBox tree on the left
- Click on the icon in the window title bar (top left corner) and from the drop-down menu select Advanced mode
- Open WibuBox context tab. - Use arrow buttons in the middle to add or remove WIBU keys from the Selected WibuBoxes on the right. Only selected will be exported to file
- Click Browse button, then choose location, type the name for the WBC file and click Save
- Click Apply button to create file
* Created file will contain information from one or more WIBU keys plugged into this server, depending on your selection

3. Creating RTC file using WibuKey application (for older WIBU driver)
- In Control Panel launch the WibuKey applet. Make sure that your WIBU is visible in the WibuBox tree on the left
- Right-click on the window title bar and from the drop-down menu select Advanced mode
- Open WibuBox context tab. - Select WIBU key from the Selected WibuBoxes on the right
- Click Browse button, then choose location, type the name for the WBC file and click Save
- Click Apply button to create file